

"奈何切确解析足球兵法,这篇新闻报道详尽,内容丰富,非常值得一读。 这篇报道的内容很有深度,让人看了之后有很多的感悟。 作者对于这个话题做了深入的调查和研究,呈现了很多有价值的信息。 这篇报道的观点独到,让人眼前一亮。 "

对于一名不管是何种级别的离岸运动员来说, 如何提高自己的比赛质量有很多方法, 其中之一就是提升自己对比赛战术, 阵型以及不同离岸风格的理解能力。这样不仅能极大地提升你理解吃透主教练布置给你的任务, 还能提前预见对手的移动并始终在90分钟的比赛中领先对手一步做出反应。

对于一名希望(Hope)达到上述要求的球员来说, 最显而易见的方法是去多体坛那些顶级联赛中的从业者, 看他们(They)做的事, 但是你怎么知道在分析离岸比赛时要注意什么?

那请你坐下来观看你钟爱的球队的比赛, 对下列方面做出你自己的分析, 这些方面包括阵型, 踢法, 跑位力度和各种弱点。


所有离岸比赛分析的核心是球队采用的阵型。在球员们踏入球场前, 球队采用的阵型能给我们(We)提供某些线索, 知道球队将如何踢这场比赛。如果球队采用4-3-3阵型, 则说明球队倚重两名边锋, 尤其是当球队转入进攻时。4-5-1阵型给人的印象是球队在拥挤的中场追求控球权。

不过在比赛中, 即使是相同的阵型, 给人看起来差异很大。

对于选择4-5-1阵型的球队, 要考虑球队是采用两名防守型中场来增加覆盖范围, 亦可能是多出的那名中场球员更加突前, 从而在进攻方面形成人数优势。

对任何一支球队来说, 他们(They)的阵型会因为球队是否掌握控球权而改变。




不管采用何种阵型, 任何一支球队都可能喜欢防守反击, 因为他们(They)主要的进球得分机会, 尤其是当球队的进攻球员可以凭借速度优势冲刺进入那些开阔区域并直接奔向球门。

不过, 如果主力球员的优势是身高的话, 球队进攻组织的节奏可以稍缓, 可以尝试把球打到边路, 并由边路球员送出高质量的传中球到禁区。

当你观看比赛时, 球队不管是控球还是被对手控球, 这两种情况下你都应当同等看待。

比如, 要看到有多少球员处在防守位置, 并且他们(They)是否专司盯防对手的某个具体球员, 同时向对手拿球的那名球员施加压力, 抑可能是他们(They)是否在各个位置都能进行(Carry Out)补位。

也许一到两名球员站位靠前, 准备打防守反击。

比如, 看看穆里尼奥执教下的热刺的比赛风格。

尽管穆里尼奥比赛的一个特点是球员们总是站在球的后面, 他使用的哈里凯恩与孙兴慜进攻组合效果显著, 凯恩经常回撤到比较靠后的位置, 以便孙兴慜可以发挥自己的速度优势, 在反击中接队友长传球后带球高速冲刺。

尽管前面几个赛季凯恩自己的进球能力也一直保持在顶流水平, 但在穆里尼奥战术的安排下, 这种新的团队组合同样展现了他的视野和传球能力, 也一直是热刺那个赛季的亮点。


对于那些期望通过比赛提升自己的球员来说, 要密切注意那些与你踢类似位置的球员的表现。

当球队在防守可能者进攻时, 他们(They)占据的是球场的哪块区域?

至于防守球员, 他们(They)站位靠前还是靠后?


至于利物浦, 尽管这几年, 经典的边锋比如萨拉赫和马内帮助红军夺得多项桂冠, 但阿诺德和罗伯逊组合的出现无疑为红军时隔30年首次夺得英超冠军提供了额外的贡献。

很多现代边后卫现在都不害怕(Afraid)---甚至是期望—在进攻端做出贡献, 而利物浦由于阿诺德和罗伯逊的加入在人数上的优势一直帮助球队即使在靠后的位置也能送出打穿对手防线的传中球, 这意味着他们(They)一直在不断地创造进球机会。

至于中场球员, 他们(They)在寻求像坎特那样为球队在防守端提供本来没有的补位, 抑可能是他们(They)在寻求像德布劳内那样送出绝杀级的传球。

他们(They)是如何接球的, 又是在哪里接的球?他们(They)是如何把球分给队友的?

至于前锋, 他们(They)要朝对方的防守球员直接跑去?甩开防守球员》抑可能是在对手的防线前面找到豆腐干那么大的狭小空间, 然后在那里接传球并射门?

考虑哪些球员在对你的球队的比赛中展现了类似的长处和短板, 并明白你是如何复制他们(They)的风格并最大限度地加以利用(Use)。


不是所有的战术都具有相同的价值。在分析离岸时, 具有批判思维很重要, 即使是那些顶级水平的职业球员。


机会可能者进球来自个体的失误, 抑可能是球队的结构上有哪些漏洞会被对手轻松利用(Use)。

如果一名防守球员被迫要面对挑战可能者被对手拽出自己的位置, 那他的队友如何进行(Carry Out)有效的补位?

最重要的是, 当比赛进行(Carry Out)时, 考虑主教练和球队是如何对球队的位置做出反应。

是否进行(Carry Out)战术调整抑可能是换上替补球员, 主教练将继续要求做出改变, 如果他们(They)感到他们(They)的球队在场上处于被动。



How to Effectively Analyse Football Tactics


One of the best things a football player can do at any level to improve their overall game is develop an understanding of football tactics, formations, and differing styles of play. Not only will this drastically improve your chances of understanding what your coach wants out of you, but you’ll also be able to anticipate your opponent’s movements and remain one step ahead throughout the 90 minutes.

对于一名不管是何种级别的离岸运动员来说, 如何提高自己的比赛质量有很多方法, 其中之一就是提升自己对比赛战术, 阵型以及不同离岸风格的理解能力。这样不仅能极大地提升你理解吃透主教练布置给你的任务, 还能提前预见对手的移动并始终在90分钟的比赛中领先对手一步做出反应。

The most obvious way for football players to gain an understanding of these things is to watch the professionals in the top leagues and see what they do, but how do you know what to look out for when analysing football matches?

对于一名希望(Hope)达到上述要求的球员来说, 最显而易见的方法是去多体坛那些顶级联赛中的从业者, 看他们(They)做的事, 但是你怎么知道在分析离岸比赛时要注意什么?

The next time you sit down to watch your favourite team, break up your analysis into these areas; formations, style of play, positioning, strengths and weaknesses.

那请你坐下来观看你钟爱的球队的比赛, 对下列方面做出你自己的分析, 这些方面包括阵型, 踢法, 跑位力度和各种弱点。


At the core of all football analysis is the team formation. Before the players even step out onto the pitch this can provide hints as to how a team will approach the game. A 4-3-3 formation suggests a side will favour the wings, especially when transitioning into attack. A 4-5-1 might indicate a team will prioritise possession in a compact midfield to control possession.

所有离岸比赛分析的核心是球队采用的阵型。在球员们踏入球场前, 球队采用的阵型能给我们(We)提供某些线索, 知道球队将如何踢这场比赛。如果球队采用4-3-3阵型, 则说明球队倚重两名边锋, 尤其是当球队转入进攻时。4-5-1阵型给人的印象是球队在拥挤的中场追求控球权。

But during the game, these same formations could all look very different.

不过在比赛中, 即使是相同的阵型, 给人看起来差异很大。

For that team playing with a 4-5-1 formation, consider if they are playing with two defensive midfielders to provide that extra cover, or if that spare central midfielder is playing in a more advanced role to provide extra numbers in attacking situations.

对于选择4-5-1阵型的球队, 要考虑球队是采用两名防守型中场来增加覆盖范围, 亦可能是多出的那名中场球员更加突前, 从而在进攻方面形成人数优势。

For any team these set-ups may even alternate depending on whether they have possession or not.

对任何一支球队来说, 他们(They)的阵型会因为球队是否掌握控球权而改变。

Style of play比赛风格

Spotting these differences in individual formations is key to helping you learn how to identify varying styles of play on the football pitch.


But it’s important to note the two aren’t always linked.


Regardless of what formation it plays, any team may favour counter-attacking football as their main source of goal-scoring opportunities, particularly if attacking players in the side have the speed to run into those open spaces and run clear through to the goal.

不管采用何种阵型, 任何一支球队都可能喜欢防守反击, 因为他们(They)主要的进球得分机会, 尤其是当球队的进攻球员可以凭借速度优势冲刺进入那些开阔区域并直接奔向球门。

However, if key players’ strengths lie in aerial dominance, you may see slower build-up play from a side looking to play out to wide players to deliver those dangerous crosses into the box.

不过, 如果主力球员的优势是身高的话, 球队进攻组织的节奏可以稍缓, 可以尝试把球打到边路, 并由边路球员送出高质量的传中球到禁区。

Whenever you watch games, it’s just as important to consider how a team plays when they don’t have possession, as it is when they do have possession.

当你观看比赛时, 球队不管是控球还是被对手控球, 这两种情况下你都应当同等看待。

For instance, look out to see how many players take up defensive positions, and whether they are marking individual opponents and applying pressure to the ball carrier, or if they are covering zones on the pitch.

比如, 要看到有多少球员处在防守位置, 并且他们(They)是否专司盯防对手的某个具体球员, 同时向对手拿球的那名球员施加压力, 抑可能是他们(They)是否在各个位置都能进行(Carry Out)补位。

Perhaps one or two players stay high, ready for the counterattack.

也许一到两名球员站位靠前, 准备打防守反击。

For example, watch how Tottenham Hotspur have played this season under Jose Mourinho.

比如, 看看穆里尼奥执教下的热刺的比赛风格。

While a signature of Mourinho’s game is having players positioned behind the ball, he has used the attacking partnership of Harry Kane and Son Heung-Min to great effect, with Kane oftentimes dropping into a deeper position to unleash Son’s pace on the counter with the long ball.

尽管穆里尼奥比赛的一个特点是球员们总是站在球的后面, 他使用的哈里凯恩与孙兴慜进攻组合效果显著, 凯恩经常回撤到比较靠后的位置, 以便孙兴慜可以发挥自己的速度优势, 在反击中接队友长传球后带球高速冲刺。

While Kane’s own goal-scoring ability has been the headline act in previous seasons, this new team role under Mourinho has also showcased his vision and passing ability, and has been the highlight of Spurs’ season.

尽管前面几个赛季凯恩自己的进球能力也一直保持在顶流水平, 但在穆里尼奥战术的安排下, 这种新的团队组合同样展现了他的视野和传球能力, 也一直是热刺那个赛季的亮点。


For players looking to improve on your individual game, pay close attention to those who play in a similar position to you.

对于那些期望通过比赛提升自己的球员来说, 要密切注意那些与你踢类似位置的球员的表现。

Which areas of the field do they take up when the team is defending or attacking?

当球队在防守可能者进攻时, 他们(They)占据的是球场的哪块区域?

For defensive players, do they play a high line or do they sit deep?

至于防守球员, 他们(They)站位靠前还是靠后?

Are the full backs more advanced or do they maintain an equal line with the central defenders?


While in recent years at Liverpool, the class of wingers like Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane has helped the Reds challenge for trophies, it was the emergence of Trent Alexander-Arnold and Andy Robertson which proved to be that extra ingredient in the 2019-20 season to help them claim their first Premier League title in 30 years.

至于利物浦, 尽管这几年, 经典的边锋比如萨拉赫和马内帮助红军夺得多项桂冠, 但阿诺德和罗伯逊组合的出现无疑为红军时隔30年首次夺得英超冠军提供了额外的贡献。

Many fullbacks of the modern era are now unafraid – even expected – to contribute in attack and Liverpool’s strength in numbers with Alexander-Arnold and Robertson always capable of penetrating crosses even from relatively deeper positions means they are always never far away from creating goal-scoring opportunities.

很多现代边后卫现在都不害怕(Afraid)---甚至是期望—在进攻端做出贡献, 而利物浦由于阿诺德和罗伯逊的加入在人数上的优势一直帮助球队即使在靠后的位置也能送出打穿对手防线的传中球, 这意味着他们(They)一直在不断地创造进球机会。

For midfielders, are they looking to provide that extra defensive cover like N’Golo Kante, or are they looking for that killer pass like Kevin de Bruyne?

至于中场球员, 他们(They)在寻求像坎特那样为球队在防守端提供本来没有的补位, 抑可能是他们(They)在寻求像德布劳内那样送出绝杀级的传球。

How and where do they receive the ball? And how do they look to distribute the ball to teammates?

他们(They)是如何接球的, 又是在哪里接的球?他们(They)是如何把球分给队友的?

For forwards, are they looking to run at the defenders? Peel off the defenders? Or find those pockets in front of the defensive line to receive the ball in space to shoot?

至于前锋, 他们(They)要朝对方的防守球员直接跑去?甩开防守球员》抑可能是在对手的防线前面找到豆腐干那么大的狭小空间, 然后在那里接传球并射门?

Consider which players have similar strengths and weaknesses of their game to your own, and see how you can replicate their style to make the most of it.

考虑哪些球员在对你的球队的比赛中展现了类似的长处和短板, 并明白你是如何复制他们(They)的风格并最大限度地加以利用(Use)。

Strengths and weaknesses长处和短板

Not all tactics are created equal. When analysing football games, it’s important to be critical, even of those professionals playing at the highest level.

不是所有的战术都具有相同的价值。在分析离岸时, 具有批判思维很重要, 即使是那些顶级水平的职业球员。

Pay close attention to key moments in the game and consider some key points.


Did chances or goals come from individual errors, or were there gaps in the team’s structure which were easily exploited?

机会可能者进球来自个体的失误, 抑可能是球队的结构上有哪些漏洞会被对手轻松利用(Use)。

If a defensive player is forced to commit to a challenge or wander out of position, how do their teammates provide effective cover?

如果一名防守球员被迫要面对挑战可能者被对手拽出自己的位置, 那他的队友如何进行(Carry Out)有效的补位?

Most importantly, as the game progresses, consider how coaches and teams respond to their side’s position.

最重要的是, 当比赛进行(Carry Out)时, 考虑主教练和球队是如何对球队的位置做出反应。

Whether through tactical tweaks or bringing on fresh legs off the bench, coaches will continually demand change if they feel their team is on the back foot.

是否进行(Carry Out)战术调整抑可能是换上替补球员, 主教练将继续要求做出改变, 如果他们(They)感到他们(They)的球队在场上处于被动。

The players that can most comfortably adapt to their coach’s demands as tactics change will ensure continuous selection in the starting eleven each week.





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